Sunday, November 25, 2007

In the surreal silence of the tomb,
You seal my lips with a kiss

Like the ripple of the fountain yonder
I hear the tunes of my heart

It aches to have it forever
I wish the time froze there

Sitting on the bench
We hear the birds chirp

A prayer slips out of my lips
Wish you were mine

A walk in the dark alleys
A walk to remeber I recall

I live life in pieces
They call me their's
Who do I have to call Mine

Monday, October 29, 2007

Citadel of joy
I create

On the debris of pain
A lease of life
Like a bird
It flies, it soars
with limitless flight

Forget the sorrow
as it lies in peace
'neath the debris of pain
why did u go away
leaving me with an
endless wait

a dream i thought
had come to reality

has become a chase again
frozen in time
they lay like a poem

interwoven bodies
like metaphor of love

moist eyes
becomeverse without words

a moment to die for
a life to live by

all we have are these moments
moments to live by, moments to die for
greens of life
laden with lush

mirth of life amidst
angst of existence

rivers of sorrow merging in
seas of happiness

i want to live like-i want to break loose
i want to lose myselfin the quest for life
he said to her - be mine
i'll bring the world to you

i'll kiss away your pain
with happiness beyond words

we will dream together
walking hand in hand

be mine forever.

she looked at him in wonder,
not knowing, it was not a dream

love she sought all life
when all she had was pain

she said to him-kiss away my pain
i give myself to you.
ashes of the dream i have...
dream i dreamt last night...

a long walk hand in hand
a kiss to remember

a touch that caresses the soul
a gaze that melts my heart

like a whiff of smoke
it fades into unknown...

i am left with a search
of the dream i dreamt last night.
i see u in the shadows of the dark,
i hear u in the silence of the the sound
i feel u as a murmer of unspoken words
you touch my heart, you touch my soul

when i open my eyes i find u gone...
a spell that leaves me in a haze.
dont wake me..
for i want to dream an impossible dream.
my world my desire
my longing my chase
a happiness of pursuit,
or a pursuit of happiness
freedom of mind
bliss is the word!
Till you came....
All I had was a dream

Life- an unending search for a metaphor
Here a laden tree...
There a meandering river...
Now a bellowing wind....
Then a tranquil picture...

Now You are....
A search beyond search
A tumultous throb
Of a sleepless night.

How I want it to pass...

Like a whiff of smoke -
Dispelling the cloud of despond
Endless search of a lone life,
In the bleak barren night.

All I hear is is the cold sob of a heavy heart...
What I take is all that I have...

A song unsung, a melody without a tune.

An nuntold story of a lone life life as it goes -
Withering willows...falling leaves...bereft heart....

And miles to go.......

I cry a thousand tears,
over a nameless haze.....

A whiff which augurs an end,
to all that never began.....

As fleeting as life itself,
unravelling every moment....

An existence never lived.
A desire that died in abeyance.
Lives and moments...
Desires and memories....
A fleeting existence is all that I have.

I am left to wonder..
to piece together all that is mine...
and all that is yours.

To divide equally what we call ours.
Where do we go from this crossroad,which has n milestone.
A juncture which becomes a lasting halt.file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Pragya.vats.AAICO/Application%20Data/Microsoft/Internet%20Explorer/Quick%20Launch/Mozilla%20Firefox.lnk
Words lost in oblivion...
A fleeting glance...
Quivering lips.
Touch that -
speaks a million words.
A writhing pain... I want it to last forever-
A nameless desire within.
Lost in the maze of life...
I savor the wilderness of love...
A shadow unknown in the fleeting darkness,
Takes me to a world unknown.

When words fade...
Silence speaks...
Experience divine...
In the wilderness unknown....
All I need...
All I need is freedom..
A desperate need to escape...
An escape from all that is familiar...
All that is known...

To carve out life afresh...
with hopes...A life that knows no pain....

No one knows whether its a fleeting charm...
or dust that's piled a layer on my heart...

Waiting to be unravelled...
I wait for life....
This is all that I need................