Friday, February 6, 2009

Saint Valentine and I

Voila..with all the hype about the Valentine day, I seem to be enjoying some quiet, peace and content.

Strange but true never had any buzz around the day by misleading and second hand default. Though I have had my share of love, lover and so on but valentine day was never a cause celebre'. Either things had fallen off the hook or been with non believers who felt "why mark a day with tokenisms". hmmm deep to shallow both kinds I have met and seen.

But through all this one thing has remained the same since I can reacall. On every Valentine's day I express my sincere and unflinching love for myself - have bought flowers, music or indulged myself with something that gave me pleasure. 

After all I have kept the love and promises to myself alive. And trust me that's a thrill of another kind.

Yes I am looking forward to the day and waiting to pamper myself. A bottle of wine. Ummm Cheers! 


  1. Well, if you need an acomplice to help you finish that bottle of wine, do remember me. Cheers...Hic...Hic... :D

  2. Valentine's day date with yourself huh?
    Oh man, so much comes to mind, so very little of it appropriate ;)

    Cheers, enjoy yourself :)

  3. well my plans are all in its appropriateness..revel in self love..:)

  4. Hi Girl…… Guess it’s a little late but still wanted to know…… how did your reveling in Self-love go?

    Reminds me of a Tee Shirt my friend gifted me which said “You are Never Alone with Schizophrenia”

    I wonder was she trying to tell me something?...... Hummmmmm
